{Trash-picked patio...}
I'm a trash-picker...it's just the honest truth. My kids know that if I slam on my brakes it has nothing to do with the car in front of me, but the garbage on the sidewalk!
My husband is also a trash-picker....we make a good pair!
A couple of years ago we were on vacation in Ocean City.....separately, we both rode our bikes past 5 porch chairs sitting in the garbage. Knowing how little (ABSOLUTELY NO!!) extra space we had in our car, I didn't even want to ask....but then he said..."Did you see those...?"
He didn't even need to finish his sentence before I yelled...."CHAIRS!?!"
So, amidst the 5 bikes, suitcases, bedding, food coolers (because I never buy food at the shore...it's TOO expensive), boogie boards, miscellaneous sand toys and 3 children in a 5 seater car, we added 5 lawn chairs! It wasn't pretty!
At that point, the chairs looked like this...
Now, I know that some of you are asking yourselves..."She made her children ride 2 1/2 hours home with boogie boards on their heads and suitcases on their laps for those???"
That's because you don't see their potential!
But....to be perfectly honest, they continued to look like that for 2 whole YEARS!! I tried some spraypaint last summer, but it look HORRID! It wasn't the spraypaint's fault....it was mine. I didn't know how to prep a rusty metal surface for spraypainting!
I had essentially given up hope. In fact I was literally browsing online at Walmart and Target for patio furniture when I stumbled across this TUTORIAL at West Furniture Revival!! Her finished product was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! (and she "found" her chairs in the neighbor's garbage!)
Do you see this little $3.00 brush??
This was what I was missing! If you are dealing with rust...you need one! They are cheap, made of wire and will take off a finger if you're not careful!! You put them right onto your drill....and poof! they get rid of rust!! (They are also fun because they make sparks when you sand the metal!)
I wanted a quality spraypaint that would last, so my True Value paint guy who is becoming a good friend because of all my trips there recommended this Rustoleum brand....
You need to use the Rust Reformer first...and he informed me that you needed to have some rust left for it to adhere to...HA! I told him no problem, basically all I had left was rust!
I then decided on a textured spraypaint....the rust damage was so extensive, I knew that I'd never get a smooth surface to work with!
I picked this from Rustoleum...it feels neat and was rough enough to hide all my horrid surfaces like this...
I was amazed by the transformation! Take a look...
Can you believe it is the same chair??? (Well, actually it wasn't...but they were all rusty!) It completely covered the ugly!!
I got a little bold and even sprayed the plastic back...we'll see how it holds up!
I got my cushions at The Christmas Tree Shoppe and a $30.00 umbrella to match! I'd love to show you my deck all pretty with flowers and sunshine, but sunshine seems to have left the state of Pennsylvania.....we only have rain...so no cute pictures! Maybe I'll update next week when it's supposed to stop raining....
Cost Breakdown:
Cushions: 5@ $12.99 from Christmas Tree Shoppes
Spraypaint: 2 cans @$4.00/can. I will eventually need about 3 sets of those cans.
Wire Brush: $3.00
Total projected cost: (Since I still have some chairs to do.) $92.00!!
~Compare that to at least $300.00 for a set that would have come with only 4 chairs!
What have you trash-picked lately?

Hey, Nikki. I am a tried and true trash picker too. Didn't know you were. Let's go sometime! Hannah and I trashed picked a cute desk from the neighbors. After we figure out how we are redoing her bedroom, I'll fix up the desk and send pictures.
Nicole, what a tremendous project. This turned out so great and looks sharp! Great work and thank you so much for using Rust-Oleum.
Have a great weekend!
- Rust-Oleum Scott
LOVE! What a great project, nothing beats a cheap awesome redo!
WoW! The chairs turned out great! You would never know that they are the same chairs. LOVE the cushions...
I'm a trash picker too! LOL My husband HATES it! Usually because he knows somehow he will be involved in the transition process! :) Love your new chairs! They turned out great! -Karen
they turned out great.you did an excellent job love the color and the cushion.
thank you for the shout out..
i love finding good trash :) these turned out great, the cushions are super cute!
Wow - those turned out fabulous. Outdoor furniture is soooo expensive. So glad you were able to find some "nice" chairs. They look great with a fresh coat of paint.
This is great! I have a vintage patio chair that has been passed down through our family. (unlike other families, we pass junk instead of valuable antiques!) I'm in the process of redoing it, but I don't think it will look as great as that when I'm done! I'll remember the sander brush for next time.
They look awesome! It was such a great idea to used the textured spray paint! I may have to try this on our patio table that has started to rust.
I agree with Kelli, great idea to use the textured paint! It turned out awesome!!! I'm a new follower and found your blog at Domestically Speaking, stop by sometime when you have a minute!
Looks great!! This really makes me want to find some discount outdoor patio furniture and do a creative re-do. It's good to know about that rust reformer too, I had no clue there was even such a thing! It could come in a lot of use around here!
Thanks for sharing! I love love love your ideas to spruce up old Patio furniture. I recently just bought some new furniture that I love, maybe these ideas will help me keep my new stuff around as long as possible.
You made certain nice points there. I did a search on the issue and found mainly folks will agree with your blog.
garden furniture manufacturers
Well done, I love recycling too, it makes me feel good every time I bring back the color of a life less trash.
Denver Patios
Around the world are many different designers who have great ideas unseen in USA. Last year I lived in a buenos aires apartment with an amazing furniture quite different than ours. I felt the same when I had visited Australia or South Africa.
Great project! Did the sprayed plastic hold up? Trying to decide if I should just spray the metal or plastic, too.
Love it!! I would like to know too if the sprayed plastic held up?
I love how your showed the before and after for the chair, so cool! Great work!
David | Discount Outdoor Furniture
Where did you get the brush ? Nice redo !
I suppose I've selected an unbelievable and interesting blog.
GRC Removals Gold Coast
I'd say a job well-done. Can't wait for the next project! :)
Steve | Teak Patio Furniture
I have a patio set that needs repainting, how have the plastic straps held up?
Your post is extremely helpful for me about the outdoor furniture. I will keep checking your blog posts in the future for more updates. Thank you for sharing this information.
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