August 10, 2011

Thrifty Thursday #21

I have been working on 2 thrifty projects recently and each have been big "fails!"  Do you ever have that happen.....where you "see" the project in your mind and then when you get to end, it looks nothing like you hoped it would?? peels right off the refrigerator???  I was trying to put a chalkboard on my fridge.....yes, primer is a MUST!!

Well, this week's featured projects on Thrifty Thursday are inspiration for those of us who try.....and sometimes, fail!

One that caught my eye right away was this guest bedroom makeover from A Step in the Journey....

My favorite part of the whole room is that gorgeously thrifty headboard made from old wood!  What a great idea!

Taking a Sunday Drive took this $2.00 yard sale chair...

....and turned it into this blue beauty!

It is just so pretty!!

I have to admit that I was a little nervous when I saw the title of this next post...."you can shut your cornhole for less....."
But then I realized that Tres Chere was talking about this....

The cornhole game that they turned into this beauty!!

And Angela and Debbie did it for less than $20!!

Spruce Up Your Nest painted and distressed this gorgeous piece of furniture!

Another project that is just made beautiful with paint!!

There were some yummy looking recipes that linked this week!  

Chef in Training linked these lasagna roll-ups....

...while Sensible Shoppers used wonton wrappers in this version of Petite Lasagnas! 

And finally, Joyful Homemaking linked up this for dessert!

....chocolate freezer pie!!!  I will be making this before the summer is over!

If you were featured this week, be sure to grab a button!

We are at week #21 of  Thrifty Thursday.......

Here are some very simple suggestions for the party:
1. Please become a follower of Thrifty Decorating.
2. Be sure to link to your POST and not your blog.
3. Please copy and paste my link button somewhere in your post
or blog so that others can link back.
4. Share some comment love....We all love to get them!!

After you've linked here, hop over and say "hi" 
to Johnnie at her Thrifty Thursday link party

ThriftyThurs Thrifty Thursday Week 29

You can also head over to Thrifty and Fabulous. 

Erika is just starting a Thrifty Thursday link party, so please 
go an visit her "fabulously frugal" blog!

I  can't wait to see your ideas!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said...

I've got a bunch of fails lately. I've been thinking I'd just do a big post on them so everyone can feel my pain :)

Ang @ Taking a Sunday Drive said...

Nicole, thanks for featuring my "Mermaid chair"

slightly nerdy said...

thanks for the comment over at my blog (slightly nerdy. sometimes cool) We are fellow LCBC'ers and we are going to be in the same co-op this year. Just ordered the chemistry book for my girl for your science class!

Laura Beth said...

So honored with the shout out of my guest bedroom makeover!! Thanks so much for giving us a place to share our projects & gain inspiration!!

Brooke @ Spruce Your Nest said...

I was in complete shock to see my hutch displayed this morning! Thank you so much!!!

Angela & Debbie said...

Thank you so much for featuring us! You are wonderful!!!!

Angela & Debbie

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