
November 27, 2010

El-cheapo Christmas pillow

I would NEVER buy Christmas pillows.....they are too expensive and you use them for what...30 days?!? 

But....I would spend $1.00 to make a pillow!!

Go to The Dollar a $1.00 Christmas placement.

Using a seam the short side seam.  (You may need to buy a seam ripper at The Dollar Tree if you don't have they even sell those there???)

Once I got the seam started, it was easy to open. 

Now....if you have a bag of fiberfill, you don't need a large hole.  I didn't.....and I'm too cheap to go and buy a bag....(it's the distance thing again!)...and bags of fiberfill are I needed to open the entire short side seam.

I didn't have fiberfill, but I did have an old pillow in my closet that I've been wanting to get rid of.....aren't they filled with "fluffy stuff"????

Yes!!  Cut apart your pillow.

I just measured my pillow against the placement and trimmed my pillow to fit.

I stuffed it into my placemat......

Now some people at this point may re-sew the sewing machine has been out-of-commission for like 6 it's hot glue to the rescue!

Hot glue your seam closed.....

I have a $1.00 Christmas pillow!! (and a rocking chair in deep need of a new paint job.......)

Merry Christmas!!

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