
December 2, 2010

Gift Idea: Christmas Plaque

I've been using a lot of scrapbook paper recently and I had some scraps left over and when I looked at my pile of scrapbook paper, my bottle of Mod idea struck!

Now...I don't have a Silouhette machine...or a Cricut...or anything that can cut for me.....but I'd love one!!  I've seen a lot of people using their machines to put vinyl on tiles and it's gorgeous!!  Check out Kathy's idea at Dandelions and Dustbunnies

So...I needed to improvise!!   My husband has a bunch of old 12  inch tiles in his scrap pile in the garage, so I took one! :) 

I just used my word processing program and printed on normal paper a verse from Isaiah...

Then I rearranged....and rearranged....and rearranged....

I think that if I were doing this again, I would glue down all the "little" pieces first.  I just temporarily attached them.

I then started to Mod Podge.

Mod podge everything to the tile and the bottom piece of paper.

Finished product....a little more wrinkly than I would have liked.....

I think that gluing first and Mod Podging second would eliminate that..... 

Overall though....It looks really pretty by my oven and it's just another opportunity to get God's Word in my home! :)

And a miniature version.....I made it the same way on a 4 inch tile.


  1. That's really cute! It looks like something you would spend a fortune for at Berean. I am loving these ideas, just wish I had more hours in the day....

  2. I'm doing this for my Grandpa's wife for Christmas...she'll love it! I found a tile at Lowe's for .68 - woohoo! :)


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