
February 10, 2011

Amazingly clever storage idea!

Thankfully, I am way past the diaper phase!  But I just may beg to borrow some of your boxes (Kristi!) to make these!

Yes....they were diapers boxes!!

Amy gives amazing  step-by-step instructions of how to do it at her blog Positively Splendid.

What a gorgeous (and clever) idea! 
......maybe I can make some to match my Bulletin Boards!


  1. Awesome! Actually heading out for diapers today, considering, I just realized I'm down to my last 2! :-) Will be sure to pick up a box of diapers! :-) LOVE IT! Kristi, they're awesome, and Nikki, thank you for sharing!

  2. I always love your posts! And so I nominated you for a bloggers award:


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