
March 20, 2011

Homeschooling: Spring Lapbook Ideas

{First Day of Spring Ideas.....}

Are you looking for some fun ideas to freshen up your school routine?  Here are some ideas for spring....

Have you ever checked out squidoo??  One of my favorite homeschool bloggers, Jimmie's Collage, does a lot of squidoo lenses.  They are AWESOME!!  The author of the lens adds all the links, worksheets, and book information that you need to complete a little unit study.

HERE's one on includes lapbooks on spring, plants, and rainbows!

HERE's one by Mission mama on Sprouting Science.  You can click HERE for the pdf!  VERY CUTE ideas for elementary school science!

Personally, I just love Homeschool's their unit for Trees.  It includes poetry, science, and even a little bit of state history!

Homeschool Share also has a Botany lapbook.......this is for your older elementary student.  You can download the PDF HERE.

Here are some FREE Spring Printables:

Worksheets from First School
Worksheets from Enchanted Learning....(not all are free)
TONS of stuff from DLTK

Happy first day of spring!

1 comment:

  1. i loooove the christmas tree shop and can't wait to see your nests!
    i found an old bag of whoppers easter candy eggs in my pantry....i bet they would work too!!


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