
August 7, 2011

Rustic Key Holder....

I am on a mission organization right now at my house.  If it's not in a bin or basket or hanging on a hook.....then it's not safe!

The one thing that is constantly getting "misplaced" in my house is our car keys.  I may stage my kitchen island to look clean and pretty....

But my house doesn't really look like that!  In reality....the island is a junk MAGNET!  Both my husband and I have been known to swipe the wrong set of car keys leaving the other person "stranded" at home!

A key holder was on the list of my organizing essentials, so when I saw this gorgeous idea from Shanty 2 Chic, I knew exactly what I was going to do!

Amazingly, while I was mowing the grass, I found this thrown into the high grass out back!

Unfortunately the hubby was away, so I had to use this all by myself!

Yep....I used the saw....all by myself....and I still have 10 fingers! Although I am sure that if the neighbors were watching me, they would have been a little nervous!  It took my 30 minutes to cut that little board.....

I've been trying to save money, so I remembered these hooks in our garage....holding the bike helmets that my kids never wear....hey, cut me a break...did YOU wear a bike helmet growing up???

I sprayed them with some Krylon Oil-Rubbed Bronze.

Apparently when I sprayed them, I missed this screw...

No worries, thought, here's my little trick.  Take a plate (preferably plastic since spraypaint reacts with and eats away styrofoam!) and spray a blast of paint onto it...

Use a small brush to touch-up the area that you missed or scratched!

I then went to our local True Value looking for this....

...but I didn't know what to call it.  Now I know that it's called a hose clamp and found in the plumbing section and they come in multiple sizes!  

You should have heard my trying to explain to the sweet old men that work there that I needed a metal "thingy" for a craft and it's found in the plumbing section.....they were scratching their heads!

You can use a flathead screwdriver to tighten the clamp to make it fit around your glass jar.

I wanted something cute for my glass jar, so I made some of these "fake flowers".

The overall cost:  $3.00!  

Board:  free
Jar:  free (sorry Grandma, I dumped out your jelly!)
Flowers:  $1.00
Hose Clamp:  $1.29
Picture Hanger for back:  $0.75

Not bad for a functional (and pretty) key holder!


  1. I love this idea! It has a charming style to it! I may try this for my house. If I do I'll send you a pic! Thanks for your creativity!

  2. Adorable...and I am VERY impressed with your "saw skills" :) Laurel

  3. I already commented on your facebook page but just wanted to tell you again how much I love this! Even better that it cost $3. Great job!!
    Jenn :)
    P.S. Had to laugh as I had the same conversation with my Home Depot man about the hose clamp. And of course, in the end I didn't even use them!

  4. I love this!! So shabby chic :) Visiting from Craft o Maniac ;)


  5. It's funny how islands become junk magnets! I'm always trying to clear ours off, but the junk keeps coming back! LOVE your key holder... adding the jar is such a lovely idea too.

  6. Oh this is too stinkin' cute!! Love the rustic look of it!

  7. This is just gorgeous! I have even included it in my monday's muse collection that is themed wood this week. It is beautiful and I will one day try to make one for myself!

  8. I love this. I am decorating a room in a cabin and this would be a perfect addition. Thanks for sharing.

  9. You are TOO CUTE! Love love LOVE your key hanger!! Amazing. And those flowers turned out great! Thank you for sharing your cute house and helping me feel better about MY "magnet island". ;)

  10. I love this idea. I wouldn't have thought to add the jar. Nice touch.

  11. Super, super cute and very clever! So what that you don't know the name of the metal thingy... you can work a skill saw, baby!! :)

  12. very nice!you are brave for taking on that power tool alone! your pictures are coming along :)

  13. new follower...found you on Tip this project! Great style!

  14. i love this! how simple and so creative! i can't wait to make this.

  15. Love it! And my kids never wear their bike helmets, either ;-)

  16. Nicole, thanks for posting this! Adorable! I've been wanting to make something similar to store items in my bathroom. Thanks for the motivation.

  17. Love this! New follower! Following from

    good job on the saw!!! laura

  18. I am beyond impressed . . . this is so stinkin' great! LOVE LOVE LOVE that clamp-thingy -- how smart is that?? Glad you still have all ten fingers!

  19. So pretty! If I could only figure out how to make my old, boring target key/mail holder rustic... hmm.

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  20. I love this!! Thanks for posting on Frugal Girls- I've been looking for ideas for a hook rack for my entry hall. Just perfect! <3

  21. Beautiful! I didn't see the Shanty2Chic version but I love yours! So funny but we bought the same supplies a few weeks ago and here they sit. Thanks for the motivation to get it done! :)


  22. This is gorgeous!! I love it! Makes me want to find a scrap piece of wood to redo my key hanger!!

  23. What a way to put some ordinary items together to make something FAB!!! I'm still smiling about the mental picture of you trying to describe a hose clamp to the hardware guys ~ LOL!!

  24. Completely adorable - and 10 Points for frugal crafting! ;)

  25. Amazing! Something so simple that you turned into something extremely beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing.

  26. Nicole I'm going to have to copy you! I LOVE it. I'm putting your key holder in the PoPP Spotlight. Thanks for linking up.

  27. Hi Nicole!! Thanks so much for linking up this project at Our House Of Joyful Noise's Link-Up Party last Tuesday! We're featuring it this week, on Tuesday of course. Please come to link-up or visit again, and grab a Featured button if you'd like!!

  28. Beautiful! I'm getting some hose clamps.

  29. That is a great idea. Adding the jar to it makes it so beautiful.

    We have a link-up party going on - Tea Time Thursdays @ Kreative Korner. I would really appreciate if you'd link up some of your awesome posts there. Hope to see you at the party.

  30. This is super cute! Thanks for sharing. I am your newest follower! Found you on Tea Time Thurday! Come check out my blog if you'd like:


  31. Thanks for linking up at Tea Time Thursdays @ Kreative Korner and adding to the fun. This post has been featured on Kreative Korner. Feel free to grab the 'Featured on Kreative Korner' button from the side bar and to use it on your blog.

    The party for this week is going on... hope to see you there again :)

  32. Love the photos you posted. At least I can visualize what you are trying to share. It would be easy for both of us to understand everything. Thanks you very much!

  33. LOVE this! Now I just need to find some old wood and remember that it's called a hose clamp when i make it to the hardware store. =) Pinned it so I'd remember it!

  34. Is really a nice idea, so simple but so beautifull!!


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