
September 26, 2011

DIY Viking Ship. . . .

Recently, I haven't posted much about homeschooling....mainly because I am smack in the middle of doing it! But, when I saw this idea....I just had to share!

For history we use Story of the World....

I absolutely adore this curriculum!  In a span of 4 years, your elementary student will study ALL of world history! And the best part.....the texts are written as stories!  My son actually asks to take his text and just read it....for fun!

In SOTW part 2, Vikings are covered and I stumbled across this cute idea to make your own Viking ship!

You can head over to quirky mama to get the full tutorial for how to convert an average cardboard box into this viking longship.

Oh...and while you are there, you need to check out her other amazing ideas!!  Like this sight word ball!

Your kids will love you for making learning fun!

1 comment:

  1. Love this!!! We're studying that chapter next week so your timing is impeccable!


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