In our family, Christmas is all about compromise.....and at the top of the compromise list is the tree...
My hubby grew up with fat, live, colored-lighted, tinsel-drowned trees....
I grew up with artificial (my mom masterfully invented a tree allergy in one of us??), white-lighted, slender, coordinated trees....
Until I met my husband, I didn't know that it was possible to anchor a tree into surrounding walls.....
My husband grew up with outdoor C9 lights adorning his fact, his brother's recent FB post was
that you could see Jim's house from space due to the abundance of C9 lights on it...
Me....I grew up with a few carefully-placed, white-lighted evergreen
wreaths with some greens artfully draped on our porch railing....
So how does one merge these two drastically different approaches to celebrating the holiday???
Well.....quite hasn't been without a few tears!
Some of our knock-down, drag-out fights have been over the size and decoration of the Christmas Tree!!
My husband and I have developed a rather ingenious compromise about the lights....
if colored lights are hung outside, then white lights go on the tree...
So, I take a deep breath and enjoy the C9's that send the electric meter
to ecstatic spinning joy so that I can enjoy the white-lighted, color coordinated tree!
As for the size of the tree....why does it always look smaller out in the field
when surrounded by other 9 foot evergreens??
I feel tricked every year as my 6'5" hubby reaches up and's not that tall! I'm also usually being
distracted by this pink puff of joy complaining about her frozen feet!
At the end of the day's not about the size of the tree, the color of
the lights.....or even the number of spiders that crawl out of the live tree...
It's about the tiny, warm hand that holds mine as we walk back to the car!
I also grew up with a fake tree that lasted 30 years and you could see through! haha I always wondered about real trees and the trouble/benefits. Especially bugs!!
ReplyDeleteGetting a real tree is the best! This was our first year as a family doing that it was so fun! the boys ran through and we picked one out as a family.
ReplyDeleteMy hubby and I are the same as you guys, he grew up the same way as your hubby and I grew up more like you did. Our compromise? We alternate years. One year he gets to choose how to decorate the tree (always colored lights, ALL the ornaments known to mankind, and TONS of icicles) and the next year I get to choose (usually white lights with a well chosen/coordinated theme). It's worked quite well for us, and I've actually come to enjoy his colorful trees...but not enough to always do it like that. :) This year is my year and it's the first I chose not to do white lights. I did a full out vintage themed tree and we used C7 colored lights. Fun!
ReplyDeleteThat's a great idea Stephanie! :) You'll have to post a picture to my FB page so that I can see your tree....I'd love to see it!
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نظافة وجمال منزلك خير دليل على نظافة الجدران حيث ينكشف بسرعة أكبر قدر من الأوساخ والغبار والأوساخ ، كما نقوم بتنظيف الجدران بالطلاء والمواد الحافظة للجدران وتنظيفها بكفاءة عالية. تستخدمين أفضل وأقوى وأسلم المنظفات لصحتك ، والتي تحتوي أيضًا على عطر ذكي يعزز جمال المكان. يبدأ التنظيف بغسل جميع أنواع الجدران سواء كانت دهانات أو دريوال أو جميع أنواع ورق الحائط.
غالبًا ما تحتاج الأماكن الأكثر استخدامًا والأوساخ في المنزل إلى تنظيف الرخام والأرضيات والجدران وإزالة الزيت عن الجدران والأرضيات وتنظيف المطبخ سواء كان من الألمنيوم أو الخشب وتلميعه. ضعها وأعدها بأمان ، ويقوم الفريق بتنظيف الحوائط بمنظفات خاصة ، سواء كانت رخامية أو سيراميك ، أرضيات وأحواض مختلفة ، لإزالة الدهون والبقع والزيوت والأتربة ، وتلميعها جيدًا لجعلها تبدو جديدة كما هي ، مع منعها تلف
الحمام من اهم الاماكن يجب ان يبقى نظيفا وخاليا من البكتريا والكائنات الحية الدقيقة لاننا نلامسهم مباشرة وقد يسبب عدم النظافة الامراض والكائنات الحية الدقيقة. نقوم بتنظيف الحمام ، ونغسل السيراميك ، والرخام ، والبورسلين ، وأحواض الاستحمام والجدران ، ومنظفات السيراميك القوية يمكنها إزالة وإزالة أي رواسب ملحقة بالحمام ، واستخدام المنظفات التي تحتوي عليها تحتوي على مواد تقضي على البكتيريا والكائنات الحية الدقيقة ، وتجعل الحمام بالكامل نظيفة ، بدون أي كائنات دقيقة أو أي أوساخ