
December 26, 2011

Packing up Christmas. . . .

I am never as organized in real life as I am in my head......

While in theory, I am practice it doesn't always work that way....

So imagine my surprise when I opened my Christmas bins and found this....

Last year, as I took my decorations down, I packed them into bags based upon 
their area of the house...I have NO recollection of doing this!

The mantle and all of its lights and accessories were put into a bag and so 
were my hallway decor and greens around the stairs......

Sometimes I surprise even myself!! 

This year I may even try labeling the bags.....we'll see if it actually happens!!

How long do you keep your decorations up?


  1. Oh, I love surprises like that!:) I do so love Christmas decorations, but once Christmas is over, I take them down quite quickly. The real greenery is breaking and flaking all over the place!...I think I may tackle the "take down" tomorrow.

  2. I found a few forgotten items this year too.
    I keep our decorations up till New Years Day.
    I hope you and your family have a blessed New Year!

  3. LOL! I loathe taking down Christmas decorations, but some years I am surprised at how much care I took to put them away. If they would all come out looking wonderful, I would just gather them in a giant pile and toss them into the storage bins. I don't think I am quite at labeling yet....

  4. تصميم متجر الكتروني
    من الصعب تخيل حياتنا بدون هواتف محمولة فانه يوجد أكثر من 2.5 مليار جهاز اندوريد في العالم ، بما في ذلك (الهواتف المحمولة والأجهزة اللوحية وأجهزة التلفزيون والساعات) ،
    مع هذه الحقيقة نجد أن العديد من التطورات تحدث في برمجة تطبيقات الهاتف المحمول ، وأصبحت هذه التطورات لا غنى عنها.
    لكن هل تساءلت يومًا كيف تم تصميم هذه التطبيقات؟ أو تريد تحويل أفكارك إلى حقيقة


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