
August 22, 2011

An alternative method of dry brushing....

In an earlier post about my paintstick crate, I talked about my method of dry-brushing.....

....nothing fancy, I just drag a "dry brush" that has a small amount of paint on it over my surface.

Julia over at 551 East Furniture Design has another way to dry brush with amazing results!  

Isn't this chest of drawers that she linked to Thrifty Thursday just gorgeous?

Using a paint roller, she achieves results like this....

Julia has a wonderful video tutorial for how to achieve this aged, rustic look....head over to 551 East Furniture Design to say "hi" and to see how easy it is to do it!

1 comment:

  1. I can do a whole lot of things with fabric and paper, but when it comes to paint, I'm pretty inept. :)

    But what I am dropping by to say is, I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. You may have already gotten it, and probably more than once, because your blog just rocks. I love it! So you can check out this post to accept. :)



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