
October 31, 2011

Some good deals. . . .

Are your familiar with Pick Your Plum?

Pick Your Plum is like an etsy store, but I get the "today's deal" delivered to my inbox every morning.  Not only are there incredible deals to purchase, but I also find inspiration from the project ideas!

Today's deal is FREE!!

Just head over to Pick Your Plum to grab your PDF to download!

A giveaway day is taking place over at Tatertots and Jello....already Jen has posted THREE!

My favorite is her giveaway from Jo Totes...

I would just love one of these camera bags....(Hint! Hint! Honey....)

So head over to Pick Your Plum and grab a free pdf and then stop at 
Tatertots and Jello and enter one of Jen's giveaway's!

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