
November 1, 2011

Barbie has a tattoo??

I remember my first Barbie doll.....she had a hot pink "evening" dress, a metallic star ring and you could style her hair......she definitely did not sport a tattoo....

Hmm....that's some curious looking art peeking out from her top.

Yes....tattooed Barbie is the most recent controversy of this pre-holiday shopping season....people are discussing it over at NBC TODAYMoms with almost 81% of the respondents feeling that she's "tacky and inappropriate."

Quite honestly, I am a little shocked by the outrage over Barbie's tattoo....especially after the Barbie outfits that my daughter received for Christmas last year for her non-tattooed doll. (They were similar to these, but not exact!)

My daughter's response to the outfit...."Mommy, why is Barbie wearing a bikini with her skirt?"

Me:  "No honey, I think that those are her clothes!"

Daughter:  "But those look like her jammies!"

Me:  "Hmm....yes, they do..."

To be honest, I doubt that my daughter would be influenced to run out at the age of 6, 7, 8, 9, or even 10 and secretly get tattooed......but I do think she looks at Barbie's attire and is influenced.....especially when stores are now carrying trashier outfits in younger sizes......

I wonder if The Today Show has ever run a poll about the modesty (or lack of) of Barbie's outfits? Would people even care?

What do you think?


  1. Here's the link to the other barbie:

    And for boys, you can get them a tatoo airbrush set:

  2. My first comment didn't show up, so I'll try again:
    I'm not a big fan of Barbie for lots of reasons. When my daughter was younger, she mostly played with the princess ones.
    I'm surprised the tatoo thing is a big deal-Tatoo Barbie has been around for years.

  3. I'm not a mom, but I LOVE this barbie. I think she's my favourite of all the barbies ever offered - from her pink hair and bob haircut to the cool tattoos. (and I'm not a big fan of tattoos, nor would I ever consider getting one...)

    Vive la difference!!

  4. I love tattooed Barbie. I wanna be her. I sorta am. all tatted from head to toe. But I would certainly say I wear more clothes than any barbie on the shelves today. Tattoo's aren't considered trashy anymore imho... but showing all your skin is. I agree with everything you said. And no... I don't think the mom's care that barbie is practically naked all the time.

    Carmen and the Primcats

  5. I absolutely agree with you! We should not be teaching our daughters that it is okay to dress inappropriately for the sake of fashion. I know that Barbie is just a doll, but little girls are easily influenced by what they hear and see. It is so sad to me that todays culture cannot understand this and is promoting diversity over trying to teach our younger generation the importance of respecting our bodies and being modest. What happened to allowing our little girls to be innocent?

  6. I am a mom, and I DO CARE! We do not have a Barbie in our house for this exact reason... I don't want to teach my children that they need to be stick thin and wear skimpy clothes! The dolls that my daughter plays with are called Groovy Girls, and they look like little girls, no large breasts, bottoms, or curves. I only buy my daughters clothes from Gymboree... because they still make clothes that look like a little girl should! I hate the fact that other stores try to make them grow up before they should... it happens fast enough as is... why speed up the inevitable?

  7. I feel sorry for moms like you with little girls. It's not only a real challenge to find appropriate toys/dolls but appropriate clothing for the CHILD!

  8. I have tattoos. Granted you can't see them most of the time but they are there. I think the clothing thing bothers me more. I hate trying to find nice clothes for my daughter especially pants with stuff written on the butt (so annoying). My mom saved all of my barbie clothes from the 80's so my daughters barbies mostly rock big shoulder pads and dynasty inspired evening gowns. She likes to mix and match to make her own barbie creations.

  9. lol that's too funny (and concerning) about what your daughter said in response to the clothes!

    Oddly enough, I never owned a Barbie, so I won't be getting one for my girl either!


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