
October 4, 2011

What do YOU do when stressed?

The past few weeks have been trying.....ranging from putting a special pet to sleep, a rabies scare, a flooded basement.....and numerous other things that on their own are not stressful, but when piled together, make me feel anxious....

So what's a girl to do???


(Yep! I added shelf paper and sucked all the crumbs out of my drawers!)

For whatever reason, when I have stress in my life, I get compulsive about cleaning, organizing and tidy-ing!

It's like I need to try and restore order to my chaotic I start with my countertops!

Oh....and baskets!  You can't forget baskets!  I put all of my cookie-cutters into baskets!

After my cleaning frenzy, I was enjoying the smell of Clorox lingering in the air and I realized that what I really needed to do was put that same amount of energy into praying......remembering that there is a God who wants to help me through my stress rather than watch me scrubbing countertops....

There is a verse in 2 Corinthians 9 that has been a long-time favorite.......

We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.

We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair.  We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. 

{Emphasis mine}

.....I needed that reminder.....

What do you do when you are stressed?


  1. When I am stressed I also clean! But when everything is already clean from my last stressful day, I enjoy baking some goodies...or crafting! I am a college student close to graduating, so I get stressed a lot. :D Blogging is also helpful!

  2. Oh how I wished I cleaned. When I'm stressed... I eat. I guess this is why I have gained 14lbs. We are trying to move to a bigger house, cause quite frankly we are exploding out of this one, so even when I do clean there are PILES EVERYWHERE and it is driving me crazy. I kind of feel like I have given up.

    But I do get into kicks when I'm stressed. I change all my bed sheets and vacuum. I'm a compulsive vacuumer.

    Thanks for sharing that verse. It is so easy to feel too "busy" to read scripture, but it is in fact calming.

    Have a great night!

  3. HI there, When i am stress which is right now. I end to withdraw from everyone around me, seems to be a protection mode. This time i have also withdrawn but also got stuck into redecorating my house unfortunatly there are many rooms that need finishing and sorting and i just dont seem to get through it all. TOoooooo many half projects so i started to blog about my days and projects on facebook which is helping me get through them. I also have a blog which has all of 2 followers I am not really sure how to attract more there but for the time being i am enjoying the facebook blog.
    I do pray but at times it is really hard. Thankyou for that lovely scripture im going to print it out and place it on my fridge.

  4. When I'm stressed I tend to watch tv or sleep. Probably not the best idea.

  5. DUDE. I wish I were a stress cleaner! You're so lucky! I was cursed with the stress eat gene. :(

  6. When I stress, I panic, breakdown a little bit (to myself or my boyfriend), then get to do something that relaxes me, which used to facebooking, then it was reading blogs, now it is shopping or walking around the Goodwill so I have new material for my shop, and my own blog! There's just something about the Goodwill near my house that provides the best mix of stuff to look at, even if I don't buy anything, the people are nice!

  7. I do the same thing! Start organizing something... ANYTHING! :) Thanks for the reminder about prayer. (PS I really enjoy your blog!) God bless.

  8. Thanks for the reminder about prayer. Sometimes it's hard to remember that we should turn to God FIRST. But in answer to your question... When I'm stressed, I like to workout. Helps get my mind off everything and calms me down. Blessings today!



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