March 7, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #50

Welcome to the 50th edition of  Thrifty Thursday  !

If you are just visiting for the party, I don't want you to miss the
$50 credit to Cutting Edge Stencils!  The giveaway will open until Friday night!
Head over and leave a comment to enter!

Here are this week's spotlights......

The Crafty Scientist linked this awesome interchangeable wreath!  What a great idea!

Ugly Duckling Transformations stenciled on burlap to make these pillows.  I 
love how she washed them in lavender fabric softener to make the burlap smell better!

Breezy Pink Daisies made this jewelry holder for under $2.00!

A Pinch of Joy shows us how to sew a sleeping bag for an American Girl doll....

....while NatSprat shared the quilt that she made her gorgeous!

Frazzled Five shared a very  memorable anniversary gift idea.

Finally, Saving 4 Six shared this crockpot recipe for Creamy Chicken Risotto. 
I love crockpot cocking!

If you were featured this week, feel free to grab one of my buttons!

Here are some very simple suggestions for the party:

1. Please become a follower of Thrifty Decorating.
2. Be sure to link to your POST and not your blog.
3. Please copy and paste my link button somewhere in 
your post or blog so that others can link back.

You can also party with Johnnie 


Unknown said...

Thanks bunches for the link party Nicole. Hope you are having an excellent week!

Unknown said...

I really love the Nagoya Allover stencil...would love to do a wall with that. I'm a Thrify Decorating follower and I already have Cutting Edge Stencils as a friend on FB. Thanks Nicole!!!

Shannon Fox said...

Great features! Especially like the map art. So super cute =)

Peggy~PJH Designs said...

Hi Nicole hope you are having a great week Thanks so much for hosting such a great party.

Bliss said...

Going over to check out the chicken risotto recipe now.


Alison Agnew said...

great features
as usual

all linked up
with my CL sofa

have a wonderful Thursday!


ANNE said...

thanks so much for hosting!!

Trish - Mom On Timeout said...

Thanks so much for hosting!

Tammy said...

Thanks for hosting! It's been a while since I've visited. I can't wait to see what everyone has been up to. :)

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

Great features -- pinned several!

cherished bliss said...

Thanks for hosting!

Natalie said...

Oh my gosh, thank you for the feature! That totally makes my day!!! So many awesome things to find here. LOVE IT.

Natalie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Good Life Blog said...

Thank you for hosting!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting, the features this week are lovely!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the linky Nicole!

Hugs...Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute

Jen @ frazzled 5 said...

Nicole, Thank you so much for featuring me!!! You have totally made my day:)
Jen @ F5

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for hosting. I hope you like my DIY Mickey Mouse costume I had to make on the fly last week :)See you next week!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting!
your newest follower,

Charlene@APinchofJoy said...

Thanks so much for featuring my Doll Sleeping bag. Made my day!! Buttoned and 'booked (on facebook!)

Kelly said...

Thanks for hosting Nicole! Happy Thursday!

Kelly @ herringbone lane

The Hell on Heels Housewife said...

Thanks for hosting another great party!


Mandy Coffey said...

New to the site! Thanks for hosting! i've added your URL to my linky party reel.


Unknown said...

How are you doing!?!? Do you school year round or take the summer off??! We rush through and LOVE every second of summer! :) As if you ever officially "stop" schooling, right!! LOL!!! Thanks LOTS for hosting!!!

XO, Aimee

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