Well, I just have to share with you the absolutely bizarre events of the past 24 hours.....
Yesterday morning, I came to breakfast to find a disturbing image of a woman in a seductive stare sitting on my kitchen table in the form of a flyer.....my hackles up, I start questioning my kids.....where did this come from?!?!?
My eldest son: "It was stuffed in the front door."
As I proceed to read it, I see that it says "Cleanings by Alyce Private Cleaning Service" Hmmm.....are you reading between the lines because it took me all of 2 seconds to realize that it wasn't bathrooms that Alyce was offering to clean!!!
Well, I got mad....really mad.....mad enough that my kids kept going, "Mom, why are you so mad??"
I mean, I live in a typical suburban, middle class neighborhood.......a place where we get door-to-door Girl Scout sales.....door-to-door candy sales.....your infrequent visit by a Jehovah's witness....but door-to-door PROSTITUTION????
So first, I wanted to make sure that we weren't the only house that got that flyer...after all, I've been a little vocal about my hubby being a pastor and having a book out...was it some weird pracitcal joke??? But, alas, it seems that our entire neighborhood received this special "cleaning" offer!
So what does a first-born, justice driven, somewhat of a tattle-tale do?? I decide to take the flier to the police station....after all, don't they need to KNOW that this is going on??? Can't they just set up a little undercover sting and nab this criminal???
The only problem......I'm not real versed in visiting police stations, so I end up AT THE WRONG STATION!!! After I go through my entire spiel and the officer asks my address a couple of times, he realizes that I am at the wrong station...OOPS! I've never even had a speeding ticket and cried my way out of the only detention I was ever issued....I just don't know these things!
So I finally end up at the right police station.....and I just love the older woman at the front desk! The woman takes one look at the flyer....clicks her tongue and rolls her eyes and says, "I don't think she's sellin' cleanin'!" Uh-huh! Rest my case!!
So after a bit of a wait, out comes the second police officer of the day.....this guy comes up to my should but looks like he could snap someone's neck with the flick of a finger! Dude......was......scary!
He comes out saying, "I just called the number, but no one answered..."
Now at this point in my head, I was saying "DUH!" but there was NO WAY that I was going to let my face show that cuz' he could break my neck! But really, people......if you are soliciting prostitution and your caller ID shows up Northwest Regional Police.....are YOU going to answer the phone???? I mean, I'm not FBI, but really......
As I go through my spiel with him, he goes....it's probably just a start-up business......I can just hear the woman behind me rollin' her eyes.......ladies, do "seductive eyes" sell YOU clean baseboards???? It's not selling me clean bathrooms! (I said DUH again in my head!) Let's hope he NEVER reads this blog or I will be getting my first speeding ticket!
He closes with some advice.....just keep your doors locked and an eye out for strange people....my doors locked??? She's not after me!!! She's after the morality of the men and young men of my neighborhood and there's no lock big enough to keep that out!!
I was reminded again today that we must......

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Yesterday morning, I came to breakfast to find a disturbing image of a woman in a seductive stare sitting on my kitchen table in the form of a flyer.....my hackles up, I start questioning my kids.....where did this come from?!?!?
My eldest son: "It was stuffed in the front door."
As I proceed to read it, I see that it says "Cleanings by Alyce Private Cleaning Service" Hmmm.....are you reading between the lines because it took me all of 2 seconds to realize that it wasn't bathrooms that Alyce was offering to clean!!!
Well, I got mad....really mad.....mad enough that my kids kept going, "Mom, why are you so mad??"
I mean, I live in a typical suburban, middle class neighborhood.......a place where we get door-to-door Girl Scout sales.....door-to-door candy sales.....your infrequent visit by a Jehovah's witness....but door-to-door PROSTITUTION????
So first, I wanted to make sure that we weren't the only house that got that flyer...after all, I've been a little vocal about my hubby being a pastor and having a book out...was it some weird pracitcal joke??? But, alas, it seems that our entire neighborhood received this special "cleaning" offer!
So what does a first-born, justice driven, somewhat of a tattle-tale do?? I decide to take the flier to the police station....after all, don't they need to KNOW that this is going on??? Can't they just set up a little undercover sting and nab this criminal???
The only problem......I'm not real versed in visiting police stations, so I end up AT THE WRONG STATION!!! After I go through my entire spiel and the officer asks my address a couple of times, he realizes that I am at the wrong station...OOPS! I've never even had a speeding ticket and cried my way out of the only detention I was ever issued....I just don't know these things!
So I finally end up at the right police station.....and I just love the older woman at the front desk! The woman takes one look at the flyer....clicks her tongue and rolls her eyes and says, "I don't think she's sellin' cleanin'!" Uh-huh! Rest my case!!
So after a bit of a wait, out comes the second police officer of the day.....this guy comes up to my should but looks like he could snap someone's neck with the flick of a finger! Dude......was......scary!
He comes out saying, "I just called the number, but no one answered..."
Now at this point in my head, I was saying "DUH!" but there was NO WAY that I was going to let my face show that cuz' he could break my neck! But really, people......if you are soliciting prostitution and your caller ID shows up Northwest Regional Police.....are YOU going to answer the phone???? I mean, I'm not FBI, but really......
As I go through my spiel with him, he goes....it's probably just a start-up business......I can just hear the woman behind me rollin' her eyes.......ladies, do "seductive eyes" sell YOU clean baseboards???? It's not selling me clean bathrooms! (I said DUH again in my head!) Let's hope he NEVER reads this blog or I will be getting my first speeding ticket!
He closes with some advice.....just keep your doors locked and an eye out for strange people....my doors locked??? She's not after me!!! She's after the morality of the men and young men of my neighborhood and there's no lock big enough to keep that out!!
I was reminded again today that we must......
Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm
against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood
enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world,
against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6: 11-12
First....I do battle on my knees.....praying for the purity and protection of the men and boys of my family and friends....
Second....I have my boy's airsoft gun at the ready to shoot out her tires if I ever see her set foot in my neighborhood again.....you with me??
Off to practice at some targets!