{PB Knock-off....}
Would you believe that the only wood I had to buy was the dowel rods!! We have a lot of scrap wood!!
I just cut random squares.....I wanted my lanterns to have a more layered look. I also wanted my posts to be round, so I used dowel rods.
Glue the dowel rods to your base. You must make sure that they are the same length....mine weren't (sorry, Dad, you made one a smidge too short!) so the top didn't go on evenly. So....call your Dad and ask him to fix them because you are too scared to use the tablesaw....
Glue on your top.....
I didn't measure....I had about 8 minutes to put these together before my piano lesson came...so I just kept turning it around and eye-balling if the dowels were in line.
I wanted a more layered look for my top, so my hubby cut various sizes of wood squares that I stacked and glued on the top square......
Hmmm......the scrap wood is looking a little uneven----or is that where I was trying to use the table saw, got scared and pulled the wood out the wrong way.......I may need a little caulk.....
I've also learned that "cheap" Walmart spray paint is exactly that....cheap. My $0.97 can is not covering really well. Looks like another trip to TrueValue to get some Rustoleum Blossom White......
Grab a glass vase from The Dollar Tree and your Gorilla Glue.
Glue to your lantern.....after you have let the glue dry....realize that there was a reason the other lanterns were so tall....
There's no way to fit a candle into the vase....grrr!
Place empty lanterns and your front porch and pretend they have candles in them......maybe I'll go grab a $1.00 strand of white lights and fill them with that....

If you like this scrapwood project.....then you might also like my "old" crate from paintsticks.....
Thanks for visiting!

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Awesome looking lanterns! But my dear (paranoid) hubby was wondering if you used high heat spray paint if you're going to use candles? Of course I pointed out your edjeecation was in chemistry and you do homeschool your kiddos, so of course you would be aware if they were fire hazards or not. He has left now, and that's what happens when your DH reads over your shoulder :) Lovies! N~
Super cute! What a great way to use scrap wood too. I'm putting your lanterns in the PoPP Spotlight. I've learned that the cheap spray paint works great for a primer and that's about it. :)
Beautiful!!!! I love these - had to share on my FB page! My sis in law is wanting lanterns for her wedding and this has just given me the most fantastic idea!!
Just drop tealights in them... :) Great idea.
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