A couple of weeks ago, I shared my laundry room makeover at Craft-o-manic.
What I didn't share was that the whole project started here.....
I was only going to "reorganize" this shelf...HA! I added shelf paper and then
I found about 1/3 a gallon of paint leftover from my kitchen makeover.....INSPIRATION!
Here are some "before" pictures of my laundry room....the color was called latte, but it reminded me of sitting inside a cup of lukewarm hot cocoa.....but it had been leftover (and free!), so I used it!
You can see white spots where I used to have wire shelving....I ran out of paint and wasn't able to touch up those spots when we added built-in shelving a couple of year ago....those spots drove me crazy!
So here's the reveal.....all that this makeover involved was leftover paint, one roll of beadboard wallpaper, and some foam chair rail and trim!
I love the response of my one son....he walks into the laundry room, turns around and says, "Did we get new lights in here??" Uhm...no......did you miss the other changes??
My total cost was $30.00!
Beadboard wallpaper: $15.00 available at Lowe's
Brushes and rollers: $5.00
1 piece of foam chair rail: $7.00 at Carter Lumber
1 piece of foam trim: $3.00 at Carter Lumber
Wood shelf: FREE! Wood just sitting around
Everything else: FREE!
I just shopped my house for the blue mason jars and
I just shopped my house for the blue mason jars and
And because we all love before and after shots...
Truly...you are able to make BIG changes to your home for very little money!
Now....if I could just magically find a free can of paint that's the perfect
color for my dining room!
Yes....I still haven't decided on a color yet and it's driving me crazy!!

Linking up to: Beneath My Heart
Ahhh....love it :) My laundry room is in need of some SERIOUS help. It's the only room we haven't touched in the "decorating department"...I'm trying to convince my hubby we should tackle it next!! Chat soon, laurel
Super inspiring! Love the new look.
That was me just commenting - Sorry, clicked anonymous instead of publish!!
I can't help but think the quote on the door is very appropriate for a busy laundry room.
I love this makeover...not only the look, but the fact that it was so "serendipitous", spontaneous...and thrifty! Love it!
That is a wonderful transformation! Love it all.
Pinning this to my Laundry Room pin board! I want to redo my laundry room sometime this year. I love the breadboard wallpaper! Who knew?!! : )
Isn't it funny how small projects can suddenly turn into major re-dos? This one turned out great. Love how you were able to do it with so little.
What a beautiful laundry room. I would love to have a nice bright and pretty room to do my laundry (instead of the dark basement!)
Love what you've done with your laundry room. It's amazing what some paint and wall paper can do. I'm in the midst of making over my laundry room as well. I found you via the linky party over at Beneath My Heart, I shared a link to my wall of words in the laundry room.
Your laundry room looks so fresh and pretty. It turned out great!
It turned out so great! I love the beadboard wallpaper and the cute shelf over your washer/dryer! Visiting from Thrifty Decor Chick. :)
This is a beautiful transformation! Love it! I hope it makes washing clothes just a little bit easier. ;)
By the way, if you have a can of paint, you can take it to the store to have it retinted to another color. Hope that helps a little for your dining room. :)
Nicole, your laundry room looks fabulous! The mason jars are just the perfect touch. Great job!
Your laundry room looks amazing! So bright and fresh!
Great job. :)
Thanks for linking up to my party.
Love the beadboard and aqua ball jars!
We are running a Before and After Link party to support Habitat for Humanity, with a chance to be featured on other big blogs and win gift cards. Would love if you entered! http://www.oneprojectcloser.com/2012-before-after-series/
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