January 27, 2011

Finally....My Valentine Wreath


Are you ready for this.....total cost $3.00!!!! 

A complete tutorial can be found HERE!


Kathy@DandelionsandDustBunnies said...

Looks great - love the rose buds. Was it pretty time consuming?

Nicole@Thrifty Decorating said...

Unfortunately...it was, but I had a lot of other things going on at the same time.....maybe 2-3 hours of undivided time?

LP aka A Crafty Southern Chick said...

before I even read what you wrote the first thing I thought was, it's not round, and I LOVE it--how original!!! I can't wait to see how you did it!

Tatum @ Tatum's Take said...

Now isn't that dreamy! It just oozes Valentine! Absolutely adorable. Good Job!


Anonymous said...

It's so pretty! It does look very time consuming though. Glad you stuck with it!

Jen said...

LOVE IT ~ can't wait for tutorial!

Rachey-Foo said...

this is SO adorably perfect. i love it!

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